Friday, June 6, 2008

Start of term break

Finally term break is up!! Though it is only two weeks break and have a lot of homeworks, it is better than nothing. Already plan up the list of what I am going to do and the two weeks are already packed. Planning to have house warming and when thinking about all the preparation, I feel lazy already... haha... God, give me the strength and wisdom to plan this house warming successfully, Amen.

Have my first shepherding with Guihao last week - How to handle stress. One part keep me thinking about it is what would you do when you are stressful? Even though I know that God gives inner and external rest when we seek him but in my daily life, I would turn to my computer. This is something to look out for. Who do you place first? God or other?

Have started my own photobucket to put most of the photos.
(NYP Unit Cg, go to challenge your limit section! It's updated.)

Today's Verse: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest... Matthew 12:28

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